The majority of Kobelt products are made from bronze and stainless steel, ensuring reliable and dependable service for years.
The 7012 variable displacement helm pump is constructed primarily of bronze and stainless steel, is watertight and has adjustable output flow. The 7012 is capable of 4 to 12 cubic inches of displacement per turn, and is available with a front mounting plate option.
7012 manual (2MB) 7005/7012 type approval certificates (2MB) 7012 cutout template (48KB) 7012 - Product Spec Sheet (128KB)
# 7012-AL, 7012-ALP, 7012-ALPV, 7012-ALV, 7012-AN, 7012-ANP, 7012-ANPV, 7012-ANV, 7012-BL, 7012-BLP, 7012-BLPV, 7012-BLV, 7012-BN, 7012-BNP, 7012-BNPV, 7012-BNV, 7012-7012-N